City of Cleveland Veterans Collaborative 

& CLE Heroes

CLE Heroes is acting as the fiduciary agent for the Cleveland Veterans Collaborative. It was selected by the members of the collaborative because of its transparency and ability to serve the community. Moreover, members of the collaborative serve as members of the board to ensure funds donated to events and activities conducted by the Cleveland Veterans Collaborative are earmarked ONLY for said use. Collaborative members serve as Trustees and managers of CLE Heroes.


Honor local Veterans, Active Duty (including Reserves and National Guard) by being proactive in the community to recognize and support the needs of those serving, those who served, the family members and Veterans organizations throughout the Cleveland area through the organization and execution of five core objectives.


The CLE Heroes focuses on five core objectives:

1. Education and Benefits available to our Heroes

2. Financial Stability through social services and counseling by credentialed VSOs

3. Mental Health and Holistic Wellness through team building and employment networking--including our First Responders!

4. Housing Assistance and Freedom by providing counseling, mentoring and services to ensure VA rental assistance, VA Loans and providing access to affordable housing--including our First Responders!

5. Grass Roots Advocacy for Veterans’ Legislation

The Cleveland Heroes (CLE Heroes) was established in 2018 as we recognized the unique needs and care, Veterans, Active Duty, First Responders and their families require. In conjunction with multiple civic and Veteran organizations, the CLE Heroes will support the Veterans of Northeast Ohio.


Ohio is currently sixth in the nation with 729,645 ( Veterans living in the state and over 17,000 living in the City of Cleveland ( These numbers multiply significantly when you include spouses and children. Each of these Veterans requires specialized treatment related to service-connected disabilities and/or deployments. Moreover, their family members also need assistance coping with deployments and/or helping to care for their Veterans’ specific physical and mental needs after they have served. Spouses and families may also need education and career assistance if they relocate to Northeast Ohio.


The Veterans of Northeast Ohio and their families need assistance on a regular basis. Currently, the Veterans and their families are sent to the suburbs, the county and the federal government for assistance. This causes a great burden and delays on the system and results in a massive delay in the services and care needed.


CLE Heroes is relying on the city’s leadership to support its heroes—Veterans, Active Duty (Reserves and National Guard) and their families. We must be proactive to ease the burden on our criminal justice system and social services (rehabilitation, crisis centers, …). This is accomplished through the establishment of programs and active participation in the Veterans’ network.


There are thousands of Veterans working for the city and in the city. Imagine the compounding, proactive effects these services will have on the city—increased productivity, healthier cities and communities, better services and a more welcoming, industrious region.

CLE Heroes is a 501(c)(3)

The team at CLE Heroes believes in transparency. Here is our published vision and mission statement. It is viewable by clicking on the document to the right. 

The W-9 is available upon request at

CLE Heroes concept JUL2123.pdf